
The following settings can be overridden in your project’s

  • DBGETTEXT_PATH: path (absolute or relative to project root) where dbgettext_export should store its output. Defaults to locale.
  • DBGETTEXT_ROOT: name of directory within DBGETTEXT_PATH (redundancy to provide protection from auto-purging upon export). Defaults to dbgettext.
  • DBGETTEXT_REGISTRATION_MODULE_NAME: name of modules within apps for registration. Defaults to dbgettext_registration
  • DBGETTEXT_PROJECT_OPTIONS: dotted path to python module containing project-level registration code (e.g. my_project.dbgettext_options if you have a file in your my_project directory).
  • DBGETTEXT_INLINE_HTML_TAGS: tuple of tag names allowed to appear inline within strings parsed with dbgettext.lexicons.html. Defaults to ('b','i','u','em','strong',).
  • DBGETTEXT_SPLIT_SENTENCES: split chunks of text into separate sentences for translation where appropriate. Defaults to True.
  • DBGETTEXT_SENTENCE_RE: compiled regular expression for splitting sentences. Defaults to re.compile(r'^(.*?\S[\!\?\.])(\s+)(\S+.*)$', re.DOTALL).