Parsing Content


django-dbgettext comes with HTML parsing functionality out of the box, allowing translatable strings to be extracted from fields with HTML content. To translate an field containing HTML, simply include its name in the parsed_attributes dictionary of the registered Options (see Options), (together with dbgettext.lexicons.html.lexicon).

The DBGETTEXT_INLINE_HTML_TAGS setting can be used to define which HTML tags are allowed to appear within translatable strings. E.g.:

This <b>string</b> is <i>translatable</i> by <u>default</u>.

The custom_lexicon_rules option allow the HTML parsing algorithm to be customised to suit your needs. For example, the following file allows images to appear as moveable placeholders in translatable strings:

from dbgettext.registry import registry, Options
from dbgettext.parser import Token
from dbgettext.lexicons import html
from models import Text
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

class ImageToken(Token):
    """ Allows inline images to be 'translated' as %(image:...)s """

    def __init__(self, raw, src):
        super(ImageToken, self).__init__('image', raw)
        self.src = src

    def is_translatable(self):
        return Token.MAYBE_TRANSLATE

    def get_key(self):
        return 'image:%s' % self.src

class LinkToken(Token):
    """ Allows inline links to be translated as %(link:...)s

    Also demonstrates Token 'inner translation' features using get_raw
    and get_gettext to translate within token itself.


    def __init__(self, raw, href, content):
        super(LinkToken, self).__init__('link', raw)
        self.href = href
        self.content = content

    def is_translatable(self):
        return Token.ALWAYS_TRANSLATE

    def get_raw(self):
        return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (_(self.href), _(self.content))

    def get_gettext(self):
        return [self.href, self.content]

    def get_key(self):
        return 'link:%s' % self.content  # should sanitize content first

class TextOptions(Options):
    parsed_attributes = {'body': html.lexicon}

    def image(scanner, token):
        return ImageToken(token, scanner.match.groups()[0])

    def link(scanner, token):
        return LinkToken(token, scanner.match.groups()[0],

    custom_lexicon_rules = [
        (r'<img[^>]+src="([^"]+)"[^>]*>', image),
        (r'<a[^>]+href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>', link),

registry.register(Text, TextOptions)

Subclassing Token

provide this method if your entire Token should be be displayed as a placeholder – e.g. %(get_key_output_here)s
provide this method if your Token requires inner translation – it should return self.raw with any inner translatable parts already gettexted
this method should return a list of any translatable strings within your Token (again, only required for inner translation)

Other Parsing?

Not using HTML? Want to parse markdown or something exotic instead? Simply register your own lexicon function like the example provided in (having read as well).

Once you’ve got something you’re happy with, you may wish to consider submitting your file for inclusion in dbgettext.lexicons.